The unique and clumsy Sempai is now a bunny figure! From the anime series "Magical Sempai" comes a bunny figure of the leader of the Magic Club and magician with...
A new figure of Teletha in a maid outfit! From "Full Metal Panic! Invisible Victory" comes a scale figure of Teletha Testarossa in a maid outfit from the "Dancing Very...
【Aniplex+ Exclusive Merchandise】From "Saekano the Movie: How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend, Fine" comes Megumi Kato in her cute maid outfit. Based on the illustration drawn by Kurehito Misaki, Megumi’s...
【Aniplex+ Exclusive Merchandise】Izumi Hashima from the popular anime series “Saekano ♭” makes her Aniplex+ debut as a lingerie version figure! Based on a new Illustration from Original Character Designer Kurehito...